Organising schedule when homeschooling

Organising your schedule


We will walk you through the gist of organising and planning your schedule – your time – so that your homeschooling journey with us runs smoothly.


Brainstorming the big picture


You’ll want to start by getting a sense of the bigger picture. Examine your schedule and mark the days or weeks when you won’t be attending to any tasks or assignments. Another thing to keep in mind is to consider potential stumbling blocks during the year and do your best to prepare for them. 

Learning new and challenging concepts is very exciting! Did you know we also learn and understand when we are doing something else? It is important to take a little additional time off. Instead of pushing through when you need a break, take some extra time off to conduct pleasurable activities so that you may all feel rejuvenated as the study year comes to a close.

Setting the pace

Let’s talk about your week now that we have established the bigger picture. This is another area where you must remember that you are the boss. People frequently say that they don’t have time to “fit it all in”. If you feel that way, stop cramming it all in.

Some of you might want weekends to be crossed off, holidays should be marked in red, and times, when you’ll be out of town, should be highlighted. It’s a lot easier to assess what kind of pace you’ll need to establish for each subject this way. You won’t be able to follow this form perfectly, but it will get the job done.

When you’re focused on the necessities and setting a workable schedule, it’s easy to overlook the “extras” that can add some fun to your homeschool.


Allocating the time


With AIH all subjects have their own pace. Some subjects take 1.5 hours a week, and some take 4 hours a week. We believe it is important that you have time for everything! Life is so much more than school alone! To be sure you “fit it all in”, we strongly advise you to create a weekly schedule for you to keep track of time! An example is downloadable or you can make your own! 


Having a proper routine is super conducive! Learners keep track of the assignments in the calendar and when there is something extraordinary or when learners need more or less time for their subjects, then the schedule can always be adjusted.  Note that this is an average estimation. When you are strong at a certain subject, then you will need less time, but the opposite also is true. When you take a subject that is more difficult, then it can take more time per week to complete the assignments. 


Even though you can decide when you study in a week, subjects have their own pace, and it is expected that you submit your assignments timely. Usually, you are asked to work in your exercise books and pass that up as a .pdf file for the teacher to review; it is a great resource too! The teacher only can annotate on the  .pdf, and when the file type is different, then it will be clear in the instructions. 


Every course has its calendar, and you will be notified when a submission is due. Easy, right?